Topic 64:


Monday, July 12, 2010

"Sock like Qualities....."

Ok, this will probably leave you asking many questions..... that is the point.
It is based on a conversation i had with Peter Parr during my final year at the AIB.

Basically.... When i asked Pete for his opinion on my first digital painting, he told me the painiting looked "Flat and trapped behind glass". I didnt quite understand..... i'd put my shaddows in there and the lighting was right????

He used an example to describe digital painting to me. He said the painting had no texture and lacked the traditional painting qualities.... He said it reminded him of someone with a pair of tights over their head, where all of their features had been squashed and merged behind the material.

Pete had always favored the idea of me as a traditional artist, but due to time etc of the modern way of working, i have had to pick up digital painting as a much needed prop of the concept artist's tool box.

I have remembered this conversation ever since, and now, when ever i paint, i always try to give a picture texture or some kind of ''Sock'' like quality.


Ricky Earl said...

That's amazing, Tori!

Hannah Mizzi said...

What Ricky said and I love your style!

L Rossi said...

Parr told you to always use protection when digital painting?
Hee hee, joking!
(Well, I guess some protection is needed, especially against tearing ligaments in the shoulder(!))
Sweet Render!

Geoff King said...

Love the design of Pete!

So what kind of techniques do you use to add texture to your paintings? Any tips you can share?

The only thing i sometimes do is to add a grain over everything. Im not sure if this is what Peter meant by texture but its like that whole HD blueray thing. Things can look worse when they are too perfect/ clean and crisp.