Topic 64:


Friday, October 14, 2011


Another remake! This time its Favelados, brings back memories of my first year hehe.


"TORI CAT" said...

Ahhh ha ha ha!!!!
Dude i LOVE IT!!! :)
Happy memories in deed!!
Dude you rock!!!
I still have BIG dreams for Emmanuel!!
Our 3minute attempt just scratches the surface of what could be a feature length epic!! (I dream) hee hee :P
Hey, "IF'' i should ever win the lottery, after i have gained much more valuable learning experience from the industry, i would love to make the film as it shoud 'really' be seen. If my dream ever becomes a reality, I'll be inviting you to join my motley crew, along with the rest of "Team God". :D
You never know, dreams can come true!! hee hee!! :P

Thanks for the pic dude!! It means alot to me and its great to see your take on our characters. I'll post mine as soon as its finished (MY PROMISE). :P

You were our legendary 'Toon Doom' trooper. With out your help, We would never have been finished the film in time.
Dude You Rock!! Legend MR Ben!!
Thanks again!! :D

ibby k said...

this is a nice style HO BOY, very appealing. i like it.