Good timing - today was the day of my 365th daily self portrait study. I have them all uploaded somewhere, but rather than try and compile a stress-inducingly-huge image file, I thought a little comparison, 1st - 365th, would do the job.
Hopefully I'll be posting more regularly from now on :]
Kind Regards all

Awesome dude! Thats some hardcore dedication and its fantastic to see. Cangrats to your first post and your 10,000th self portrait :P The improvement in your mark making and description of form is clear to see. But did you not take a break to cut yuor hair :P ?
Haha, everyone's hair grows longer in the first year. Its great to see your dedication. And welcome to the jumble.
I'd be really interested to see all 365 played together!
Yes, you gotta put together a video of them all!
Massive improvement here. The rendering is much more subtle and there's a greater sense of three dimensionality, especially with the eyes-compared to your first. Good work man.
lovely study! nice to see some pencil work on the blog too! and i agree it would be cool to see them all progressing =>
Thanks so much everyone, the comments mean a lot!
Ben - you know the mentality - 'no breaks', therefore, no hair cuts ;] (P.S. 'Soon'...)
Geoff - I've heard there's a tradition - 1st-2nd year = hair growth. 3rd year - interview time = tidy up. I shouldn't be a stereotype though.
I'll look into sequencing them all :]
Yea,.. i wasn't told of that tradition.
Most 3rd years are just trying to stay alive whilst torturing themselves! Its interesting to see how everyone changes over the three years. Stress can do a lot to people! , the aging, reseeding hair lines, weight gain, or loss. ah anyway
Good luck ;)
Geoff youre scaring the kids :P
Sounds like quite the challenge to rise to Geoff :]
It is done - images compiled to video - A Year of Daily Self Portraits
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